Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hal Herweck, Jr. is my brother-in-law. That makes him the brother of my wife, Sue. Hal is a very interesting person who possesses energy "far above those of mortal men." He seems to never need sleep. He travels the world over in his job with Phoenix Textiles. He drinks Dr. Pepper. He has two children, Wendy and Trey. He has six grandchildren, who are so often the object of his affection. Hal's wife, Nancy, was the long-time organist at Ridgecrest Baptist Church in St. Charles.

In the early 1980's, Hal, along with Reverend Jay Piper began a gospel music program on KCLC-FM, a station located on the campus of Lindenwood University in St. Charles. The name of the Program is "Hooked on Gospel." Every Sunday morning at 5 am,"Hooked on Gospel" hits the airways on 89.1 on the FM Dial. Reverend Piper died shortly after the program began and Hal has been carrying on since. With music ranging from Contemporary to Southern Gospel to the old hymns, Hal goes into countless homes each week endeavoring to uplift the Christian and share Jesus with those who are unsaved. While on the staff of First Baptist Church of St. Charles, along with his radio program, Hal began reaching young people at St. Charles High School. He has a keen interest in sports, especially high school wrestling and football. In 1982, St. Charles won the state championship in football and Hal developed and published all kinds of spirit items for fans to take to the final game in Kansas City. Until Steve Jacob retired as Athletic Director at SCHS, there was a poster that Hal printed that was hanging in the window of Jacob's office at SCHS.

Hal is a life-time St. Louis Cardinals' fan. Still, he often goes to games and lives and dies with the Cardinals. He is a season ticket holder. His entire family joins him in their support of the Redbirds. In fact, Cardinals' baseball is almost religion to all of the Herwecks.' Hal played church softball into his 60's when he suffered a leg injury that forces him to not only limp, but walk with a cane. In spite of this handicap, he continues his trips abroad even though it is extremely difficult for him to get around. An interesting thing about Hal is he never complains. Not one complaint have I ever heard come from his lips.

Now in the latter part of 2009, Hal continues to arise early on Sunday mornings, make his way to KCLC and continue his ministry. He is the personification of continuing to do what he has always done when everything says "STOP!" Hal is a true servant and is doing everything he can to help son Trey with his young church The Refuge.

Hal is a huge supporter of sister Sue and her writing Christian music. He often has her on his program as she shares her talent with the audience that continues to grow. The world says: "Stop Serving!" Hal continues to ignore this and probably will until the Lord calls him homes and says "Well done, good and faithful servant."


Sue said...

Everything you've said is true, and yet it isn't even half of who Hal truly is. Except for the fact that he consistently cheated me in Monopoly when we were kids, he is pretty much a perfect brother.

Wendy Helton said...

Uncle John.....your words are so true!! I am so blessed & thankful to call him dad!! He is a servant....always going above & beyond!!

Seth and Anjie Augspurger said...

We have been blessed just by having a Uncle Hal in our lives and we're so fortunate to have him perform our wedding ceremony. We always look forward to his visits to NY and he ALWAYS makes time for us. Uncle Hal has the gift of reaching out and touching your heart, and after spending time with him you can never imagine your life without him in it.

G-parentsB said...

Hal has been an inspiration to many who have difficult physical circumstances. We are blessed to have Hal as our brother-in-law, and we love him dearly because he is married to my sister!!

Anonymous said...

Needless to say I am so proud of Hal He along with my otherkids and their spouses have literally carried me the last 9 months since their dad went to heaven. John is right he never complains. When he takes me somewhere I try to help him with that leg. "I can make it mom" and he does. His concern is always his family other friends, not himself. I thank God for him and I'm blessed for his "giving" attribbute.