Friday, October 30, 2009


For several years now, I have been thinking, praying, and dreaming about how to help the children who grow up in homes where there appears to be little hope for success, even in the United States of America. For too long, I have watched millions of dollars spent on programs to help the nation's high school students emerge from the cycle of poverty and lack of education. Some have been helped, but for the most part the money has not been well-spent.

We have been watching the decline of public education, especially in the large cities of America. St. Louis, for example, had at one time one of the best public school systems in America. In fact, the first kindergarten in America was in the St. Louis Public Schools. We have seen learned educatiors come and go in their vain attempts to correct the many problems that are now associated with city schools. Part of the problem stems from the fact that the average tenure of a school superintendent is three years. In those three years, there cannot be long-range planning and our problems cannot be fixed in three years.

It is my conviction that we need to take the following steps to fix schools and in the process fix what is wrong with America.

1. Every parent of every newborn child must enroll in the Parents As Teacher Program. This program was the brain-child of Dr. Arthur L. Mallory when he was Commissioner of Education in the state of Missouri. PAT is now in every state of the union and in many foreign countries. PAT has a proven track record of success. Dr. Mallory is on board with what we are endeavoring to accomplish.

2. Parents and children need to be told and shown that there is no financial reason for the child not to have a post-secondary education. This needs to be continuously underscored in the kindergarten. Scholarships must be waiting for the children when they go through these programs and graduate of a secondary institution.

3. There must be after school financial literacy for the children beginning in kindergarten. Local churches can be the home for this activity. Through the third grade, various leaning and fun activities must be a vital part of this program. There will be field trips to various colleges and universities.

4. We must have dinners, think-tanks, and direction for parents which will be lead by Christian educators who have a track record for knowing what they are doing.

5. Colleges and universities must be visited and come on board with scholarships and other means of financial assistance.

We have begun the America's Scholarship Program where money will be placed in interest earning accounts for the kindergartner who goes through this program and graduates for high school. This is where the reader of this blog comes into play. I am asking interested people who feel this program makes sense to help us financially. Nine out of every ten dollars will go for scholarships. The other dollar is for administrative costs. I would ask you to pray about this and then give as the Lord leads. Make your check out to "One Accord-K." Your gift is tax deductible as One Accord is a 501-c-3 Not for profit corporation. Send your check to P. O. Box 1364, St. Charles, MO 63302. Understand that the results from this program will take place 13 years from next year's beginning of kindergarten.

Our children need your help and so does America.

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