Sunday, February 4, 2007

Quotes from Ann Graham Lotz

... from Just Give Me Jesus
“When we face an impossible situation, all self-reliance and self-confidence must melt away; we must be totally dependent on Him (Jesus) for the resources.”
“Like Moses, do you respond basically, ‘Here I am , Lord, send Aaron!?’”
“Jesus has given me ample resources to meet the spiritual needs of others because He has given me Himself and He has give me His Word. But in order to meet the spiritual needs of the multitude, I have to spend hours alone with Him in the prayerful meditation of His Word so that my spiritual needs are met.”
“Don’t concentrate on what you lack, concentrate on what you have. Then give all of it to Jesus for His use.”
“It is very humbling to admit that all I have to offer Jesus is ‘five loaves and two fish.”
“Remember the servants at the wedding in Cana? They had the thrill of knowing firsthand that water went into the pitcher, but wine came out.”
“There are times I have been afraid to step out and offer Jesus the little bit that I have, because everyone would know I only have a little bit!”
“No one would have even known a miracle had taken place, except that Jesus had lifted up five loaves and two fish in front of everyone when He asked His Father’s blessing.”
“How had He accomplished the miracle? The formula is really quite simple. The disciples gave it all. Jesus took it all. God blessed it all.”
“The wonder is that when I gave it all to Jesus, He accepted it!”
“Twelve baskets of leftovers!....There could be no coincidence or mistake in the fact that there was obviously one basket of bread for each of the twelve disciples.”
“In the end, the disciples had more than they had in the beginning!”
“The same God who performed a miracle at the wedding in Cana is our God today. But we have to give Him absolute authority and freedom to act.”
The book entitled “Just Give Me Jesus,” by Ann Graham Lotz is terrific. I believe it will help you in your Christian journey. Give it a try.

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