All my life I have anticipated the future and wondered what God had for me in the days ahead. Educationally, I have endured several institutions, most of which have contributed something to my life. When I was drafted into the United States Army, I was confused about what God wanted. Little did I realize that this would be a tremendous experience that would reshape my focus and direction. I have stated many times that graduating from college has opened more doors, but the time spent in service for our country did more for me personally.
The first Sunday, I went to chapel and Chaplain John H. Brown spoke to a chapel full of individuals who had just entered the army. A great message from a man of God was not anticipated, but was experienced. I did not realize that this was the beginning of a special friendship that would redirect my life. This man, Chaplain Brown, preached the Word of God to countless numbers of soldiers and brought inspiration to many who thought their lives were at a standstill. For me, it was the road to Baylor and the good things that awaited me there.
The years following have been interesting, rewarding, and more numerous than I can believe. A divorce moved me across the state of Missouri and the beginning of the One Accord ministry. Who would have guessed that this would become a ministry that would take me all across America and other countries. Who would have guessed that I would have a blind date with Sue that would lead to blending our families. Soon after our marriage, we sang to 2600 single adults at Ridgecrest, NC and in order to hopefully encourage many of those who were "single again," we shared our testimony. Not only did Sue and I share, each of our children told how much they wanted this marriage to happen.
I will always remember encouraging Sue to quit her teaching job and give her full attention to writing about Jesus (Sounds like a good name for a workshop). Observing how hard she has worked and the many great things she has accomplished continues to be incredibly inspirational.
Becoming the administrator of Living Word Christian School and having the opportunity to grow that institution was a challenge to move that little know school from near obscurity to a place of respect. We grew from 230 students to more than 700 in four years, built a new high school and began a second elementary school.
Now, although I feel God still has some good things there for me, I am beginning to think about the end of this life. Not very many years left for me. How do I prepare for passing from this life? How much money should I spend on my teeth? Is this the last car I will buy? What about the need to leave instructions regarding my funeral? What things can I say to my children and grandchildren that will help them? Make sure Sue knows about the various things I have taken care of that she takes for granted and may not know when and how to do them. Make sure I have more assets than liabilities. Will I get to see my grandchildren grow to adulthood? Will my health hold out?
I could go on with this kind of thinking; however, I have made certain of the most important thing. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and I know He will take care of the beginning that follows the end. Is that not great assurance! I know that "Jesus Paid it all and all to Him I Owe." That knowledge allows me to not understand the future, but believe it and accept it. The end of the beginning is not that bad.
Congratulations! I knew you could do it without my help. Welcome to the world of professional blogging, and this was a good one to begin with!
Your blog is wonderful! Thanks for sharing from your heart. This is so awesome that you have your very own blogspot! Love you, Stacey O
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