Monday, January 7, 2008


Christmas 2007 was so special because we had all of our children and their children in our house for several days. As I have mentioned previously, out family has increased from 5 to 13 and that number can cause a disruption of daily routines. Now, that is not the largest number we have had in our home (125 FCA members from St. Charles High) but having small children and a number of new toys scattered all over every room can lead to total chaos. Houston and Hudson, both three, played very well together. Lauren and Alex paid a lot of attention to Jacob. They are so beautiful could anyone not like attention from them?

This past weekend was fun being with Jacob, Houston and Violet. Violet is so cute and when they flashed her picture on the screen at her dedication, the congregation oohed and aahhed. The boys like to wrestle with grandpa and also like for him to tickle them. Of course, that is huge fun for me. Guy and Holly purchased a basketball goal for the boys and that will be fun playing with them in Nashville as well as here in St. Charles.

MOHELA is in the process of forgiving 1.4 M in student loans of those who are in the teaching profession. That amounts to $3200 for each person identified.

Sue thinks I should share my feelings about the books I listed in the last blog and perhaps I shall start that next time.

Wednesday, I am on the way to Springfield. Some of my high school classmates are having lunch as we plan to get the class to gether in 2009. Planning starts way in advance.

Arthur Mallory and I will meet to discuss some ideas I have about a Christian school. He knows more about education than anyone I know.

Hope 2008 is off to a great start for you. GO STACEY O'HARA!!!!!!! Bring us a winner.

Thanks for the "happy birthday" messages. I certainly am appreciative of your thinking about me.

1 comment:

stacey O'Hara said...

AWWW!!! You are so sweet!
Of course I would think of you on
your birthday!
Thanks to you and Sue for cheering
me on. I know it's not about awards,
but it's always a good feeling when
people are somehow impacted by something
God has allowed you to create....
I've got a long way to go...but I want to keep

Stacey O'Hara