Thursday, January 17, 2008


C. Gene Wilkes has written a very interesting book on leadership called "Jesus on Leadership." He is a Baptist pastor in Dallas and I shared with the folks at the 2007 WAJ workshop some thoughts he had regarding "Head Table Mentality." He is an excellent writer and I recommend this book highly. Let me share a thought or two from his writing.

Jesus wants servant leaders to be follower first. Douglas K Smith has written:

"In the 21st century organization, all leaders must learn to follow if they are to successfully lead...Leaders at all levels and in all situations must pay close attention to situations in which their most effective option is to follow...not because the hierarchy demands they 'obey,' but because performance requires them to rely on the capacities and insights of other people."

Biblical leadership always begins with a God-sized mission in the form of a call by God. Leadership begins with mission. Without mission there is no need or motivation to lead. Servant leadership finds its motive from God's commissioning a person to carry out a divine plan among a group of people. Becoming servant to the mission and a follower of the God who called you is the heart of a servant leader.

Jesus teaches us that we learn to lead by learning to follow. How powerful is that from my perspective. Henry Nouwen and his coauthors observed this about Jesus' life:

"Obedience, as it is embodied in Jesus Christ, is a total listening, a giving attention with no hesitation or limitation, a being all ear. When used by Jesus, the word obedience has no association with fear, but rather is the expression of his most intimate, loving relationship. Jesus' actions and words are the obedient response to this love of his Father." A lot of pastors need to understand this.

Wilkes stated these words: "Action is the response of obedience.


stacey O'Hara said...

AMEN! Awesome blog!
This SO needed to be said.

Stacey O'Hara

Anonymous said...

Good stuff! Thanks for sharing from your wealth of books, reading, knowledge, experience and wisdom!!