Sunday, February 3, 2013


By looking in the Bible, we can find all kinds of miracles ranging from healing, walking on the water to feeding more than 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Not bad. This man Jesus was pretty impressive until the Jews and the Romans teamed up to crucify him. They naturally didn't count on him coming out of the tomb alive.

Those Biblical miracles still form a great part of Christianity; however, there is nothing like a modern day miracle. There are several miracles to which I can point. If you knew Lindenwood University in the 1970's and 1980's and then saw it today, you would be forced to say, "That is a miracle!" Growing from a few hundred students to more than 15,000 is a modern day miracle.

I want to share a miracle with you from someone who walked into my life while I was in the United States Army. He was Chaplain (Lt Col) William Kirkpatrick. His son David, taught at William Jewell College in Liberty. MO. Chaplain Kirkpatrick was an enlisted man during WWII. He was captured by the Germans and sentenced to be executed. On the day he was scheduled to be shot, he was praying something like this: "Lord, get me out of this and I'll preach." A few moments later, an order came down canceling  the execution.

True to his word, Chaplain Kirkpatrick became a minister for the Lord, and sharing his personal testimony regarding miracles.

I am on the verge of a miracle. When the process comes to a conclusion, perhaps I will have the opportunity to share it with you. Meanwhile, I pray God's blessings come to you.