Dr. Arthur L. Mallory is a hero of mine. I used to have several heroes. Now I have three, Arthur, Stan Musial, and Billy Graham. Graham and Musial are nearing the end of their lives and both have been consistent in the kind of individual each is. I know Arthur knows more about education than anyone I know. Having served as president of Missouri State University and Commissioner of Education for the state of Missouri, Arthur is always willing to share. The idea for Parents As Teacher (PAT) was Arthur's and PAT is now in every state and several foreign nations. Arthur calls PAT Missouri's best export. We continue to work on our kindergarten program and visualize what an impact it can make on our nation. Part of the problem in establishing the kindergarten program is a great problem in education. The average tenure of superintendents of schools is three years. This is one reason schools do not implement visionary programs. All of us know that 13 years is a drop in the bucket in the sequence of time. In those few years, we could change schools dramatically and reinvent our cities. Arthur used that thought saying this program could "Reinvent the City of St. Louis." During my last visit to Springfield, he and I met and continued to brainstorm on how to get this program from a thought to reality. Meeting with Arthur is always a blessing.
I am ready for Sue to come home. She has been incredibly busy with her chosen career. The good thing about her schedule is that she is doing something she loves to do. All too few of us can claim we are doing something we love to do. We might like it, but we do not have the passion about what we are doing compared to Sue's passion for writing Christian songs.
Some of us from my high school graduation class are endeavoring to put together a reunion for at least three classes. This would bring together several folks we have not seen since graduating in a previous century. In all my years at Greenwood (starting in kindergarten through high school graduation), there were only two guys that i did not like. Sadly, I still do not like them because they were bullies. I wonder if I am the only person who had that kind of experience during school years.
I have been so negligent to writing a blog. I am going to do better. Even a few lines is better than what i have been doing.