Saturday, May 31, 2008


For some reason, I just have not felt like writing a blog for the past week or so. I haven't had any brilliant thoughts to share, in fact, it has been a time of assorted things coming into my life.

I am happy about our proposed kindergarten-college program. It is not what I visualized at the beginning of the process, but turns out to be better than what I originally planned. I was told the the "devil is in the planning" by my friend Dr. Arthur Mallory. Truer words were never spoken. Then MOHELA has been going through the problems that the student loan industry is facing at this time. I had not thought about partnering with other agencies, but now having these people "on board" will bring this program into reality. Praise the Lord for this!!

Rick Sullivan, who was appointed to head the St. Louis School District by Governor Matt Blunt let the air out of my balloon when we met in his office. His main concern was being able to track the children because of the extreme problem of knowing where the children were, as there is much moving in, out, and around the district. It appeared that he was not in favor of our program. As quickly as the air was removed, he made it better by suggesting that we partner with Habitat for Humanity who has the ability to track "at risk" children and that can help make the program work. He then said that he wanted this program in the St. Louis School District.

Originally, I wanted to begin the program in the 2008-09 academic year. Finally, I realized that this would not happen. Then it occurred to me that Habitat for Humanity could identify the students who would be in kindergarten in the 2009-10 school year. This would allow Parents as Teachers to work with the students and their families from January 2009 until school started in August. God has good ideas does He not!

There are many things to do and I want to have a brain storming lunch at MOHELA that will include someone from Habitat, Sue Stepelton from Parents as Teachers, Arthur Mallory, Diana Borisaw, Rick Sullivan, Ray Bayer from MOHELA, Dr. Doug Petty from the St. Louis Clergy, Ed Watkins and me. Hopefully, this meeting will help to finalize the plans needed to make this program work for the children.

Ray Bayer has told me that we can have office space at MOHELA without charge. God is GOOD. ALL THE TIME.

I would appreciate any prayer support readers might supply for this project.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I have a book in my library entitled "The Power of Focus." Two of the authors are famous for writing the very successful books which we are all aware. Those are the "Chicken Soup for ........" Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have been a vital part of the motivational speakers' industry with an emphasis of improving our lives. "The Power of Focus" is a book that reminds me so much of my wife Sue because she is the most focused person I know. She is almost possessed with the desire to write and improve her writing. Yesterday, we drove past Hazelwood West High School where she taught prior to turning to writing full-time for Jesus. She has NO desire to return to the teaching profession. She was emphatic with that as we passed the school.

In "The Power of Focus," there is a thought by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It reads as follows:

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

As we face the challenges of life, there are no shortcuts. Endeavoring to find your place in the world oftentimes must be accepted by individuals close to you. For example, when a husband is afforded the opportunity to move upward by moving to another location, his wife must be a willing participant. It also works the other way when a husband fully supports the plans of a wife to find her place, even though there may be challenges in making the family operate smoothly.

Some action steps outlined by the authors to help the reader are listed below:

1. Do you recognize what you are good at and what energizes you?
2. Do you fully utilize your most-enjoyed skills?
3. Does your work further some interest or issue that you care deeply about?
4. Do you see yourself, through work, as making a difference in the world?
5. Do you view most days with a sense of enthusiasm?
6. Do you feel a sense of meaning and purpose for your life?
7. Do you have active goals this year relating to your purpose?
8. Are you living your life to the fullest now instead of hoping that things will work our someday?

Tough challenges in answering the questions; however, they call attention to many of our needs to make life better, not only for ourselves, but others. That really is a challenge.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Today, I had the privilege of speaking to the St. Louis Clergy, a group of ministers who not only preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, but support public education in St. Louis. What an outstanding group of men and women. I shared a bit about our "College Begins in Kindergarten" program and had quite a few folks come up afterwards and share their interest and desire to be a part of this thrust.

That was a gratifying experience, but paled in comparison to the Black clergymen who are beginning a program that was featured today on national television. They have issued "A CALLTO ONENESS.". Their purpose is to promote cooperation, collaboration and commitment among African-American men for the betterment of our communities. Two of their objectives are: (1) To call African-American men together for a weekend of discussion, reflection, prayer, and recommitment in order that we may be reconciled to one another, to our God as we may understand God, and to our wives, mothers, and sisters who continue to love and support us. (2) To assert the moral strength and guidance of the Black religious experience in support of public school education."

During the weekend of May 30-June 1, a State of Emergency Panel Discussion is planned. The panel will consist of a variety of disciplines that reflect the many shades of blackness. On May 31, a Day of Information and Implementation will feature classes that ask the question: "How do we address the moral issues and concerns that face black men in our community." June 1 will be a day of worship, witness and reconciliation. This day will feature 20,000 men marching to Tandy Park for a venue of speeches and a platform for reconciliation. Along the route of the march will be women stationed along the streets to surround the men, showing their love and appreciation.

It is always a good thing to be in the presence of greatness. Today, I had that opportunity.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Yesterday, Ed Watkins and I left St. Charles at 7:30 am to drive to Windermere, a Christian conference center located on the shores of the Lake of the Ozarks. 176 miles to Winderemere aand 176 miles back to St. Charles at $3.49 a gallon. That was the only painful part of the trip, but it paled in comparison to what my son Rick paid to fill his Tahoe. $81 was the price for that.

Windermere is a beautiful Christian conference center with great facilities and is located, in my opinion, on the finest part of the lake, the Niangua arm. The water in that area is almost always clear and beautiful.

Dr. Arthur Mallory, chairman of the Windermere board and Dan Bench, the CEO greeted us and took us over the campus to see the varied parts of the center. It was fun touring and visiting. A highlight of the tour was a visit to the prayer chapel that is located on a hill that overlooks Windermere on one side and the lake on the other. What a special place for being alone with God!

During lunch we began a two-pronged conversation. Could we come up with a plan to bring people to Windermere during the off-season? The four of us talked and listened. Ed is in the beginning of a program for non-profit organizations to count the number of volunteer hours that help those folks and verify those hours on the internet. That was one way we could help Windermere. I suggested that perhaps having a state Upward basketball tournament at Windermere. What a great expereience for those little folks to come to Windermere and play basketball and have spiritual experience. Last year more than 1500 decisions for Christ were made at that facility. Arthur suggested that we find a way to bring minority kids to Windermere. I mentioned a man to Ed and he said that person was the perfect individual to make that happen. So Ed and I will meet with him and a leader in the Black churches of St. Louis and bring them to Windermere for more discussion about reaching those important kids.

Dan Bench is a special servant. He served our country in the United States Marine Corps. He SERVES as president/CEO of Windermere for zero salary. It is so easy to see his love for the center, its employees and it volunteers. What a servant! Arthur serves on many boards and is THE expert in the field of education.

Before driving back to St. Louis, Arthur agreed to help us in any way with the MOHELA "College Begins in Kindergarten" program. His first task will be to talk to Senator Kit Bond and seek his help. Sen Bond is the former auditor of the state of Missouri and two-time governor. He has represented us in the US Senate for many years and has great influence.

The drive back to the city, with a stop in Jefferson City for ice cream, was a great time of reflection. I was in the company of Christian Serving Giants. What a great experience!!!